School Closet & Giving Trees

We currently work with 9 Elementary schools in Valpo and Chesterton. Around mid-September after the school year has started the counselors at these schools will send out the Lotus Reach School Closet need forms to all families in their school.

Parents can fill out the form specifying what items they need for their children along with sizes, and they send the forms back. The specific items we provide are pants, shirts, socks, underwear, shoes, coats, hats, gloves, and backpacks

Lotus Reach then uses this info to create ornaments for our wishing trees. During the month of November, we partner with local businesses at set up trees with ornaments that each list specific clothing items that have been requested. We collect all the donations throughout the month and use them to fulfill the need requests.

Through this wishing Tree system, we love that we can provide new clothing for all the children. Over the years we have received feedback from counselors telling us that they can see the confidence in the children when they come to school in their new clothes or shoes or coat.

In 2021 we provided for over 250 children!


Lotus Reach Annual 5k


Scholarship Program